
2007-08-15 5:40 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-15 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
我唔會估你係想問 ipa 全名係乜,亦唔會估你想知o個d課程資料。
第一件事,一個字o既 ipa 音標係點,就梗係要查字典啦。當你好肯定你讀o既音冇錯,又好熟 ipa 符號時,就可以默寫返每個字o既音標出o黎。
如果識讀個別音標,咁你就要記住:vowels 都係發聲時o既嘴形,consonants 都係單純嘴唇、舌頭位置o既變化,配合 vowels 去改變 vowels o既音,因而令字音不同。簡單o黎講先讀一個 vowel,再讀佢隔離o個個 consonant,然後快速連讀,就出到你要o既音。如:
indicate /'indikeit/ 可以先讀分開 /i/+/n/,/i/ -> /ik/ -> /dik/,/ei/ -> /eit/ -> /keit/。讀到三部份之後再合返埋,再處理重音何在。
2007-08-15 7:59 am
你係咪想問ipa個全寫係乜呀 ??

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
Practical English Phonetics and Phonology
This course aims at improving one's spoken English through the understanding of the important theories and applications concerning the pronunciation and speech of English. The course is divided into two parts:

Part I - Introduction to Phonetics
English phonemes will be explained in terms of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The topics include vowels, diphthongs and consonants in respect of the manner and the place of articulations. The application of phonetic symbols in dictionaries. After this stage, participants are expected to be able to pronounce every word shown in a dictionary.

Part II - Phonology
The differences in accent between General British (RP ) and General American, Australian and other accents of spoken English. Stress and weak form of words. Sound changes in connected speech: assimilation, elision and linking. These differences include intonation and voice control.

The course is instructed in both Cantonese and English to help participants to understand the essential bilingual differences and the causes of common errors in pronunciation. The course will be invaluable to those who have to communicate with native English speakers in their work or studies. University students especially, and prospective emigrants and teachers who have to speak English during lessons, will also find the course useful.

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