
2007-08-15 4:00 am






回答 (3)

2007-08-15 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
有一次我去 korea 跟新華, 有一日有個guide 話要去的地方唔開,
要我地自費去 casino, 要比 HKD 80, 有人話唔去, 個guide話唔去全體
要留在 旅行車上, 最後有一些人話要回酒店, 佢話太遠, 司機唔去,
後來去了casino, 只有約 10 張 table, 沒想到那麼小, 很似私營的
地下 casino.

其他差的地方不說了, 最差的是, 他說你們參加的是特價團無 $$ 收,
要我們比多一點小費, 其中一個團友 X 佢, 話佢 D 服務太差,
要比多 D 唔好發夢.

這次後, 我便沒有報新華.

good luck !!!
2007-08-19 6:18 am
Sorry I couldn't type Chinese.

I joined their 10 days tour to Australia in 2004 and the service was good. The tour guide was very experience and take care of us quite well.

In your case, they requested you transfering to another tour probably due to 2 reasons:
1) the tour you want to book is fulled
2) not enough people to join so they try to combine people into one tour

You can go or not depends on whether they have sufficient clients to join that tour. If not they might cancel. You can check with them from time to time to see whether the tour is confirmed.

Well, Sunflower not the biggest travel agency but still I think is well established. I do have good or bad experience with Hongtai and Kwankin before, so it really depends.

Good luck!
2007-08-15 10:38 pm
我都跟新華去過杜拜, 不過係2000年, 食用唔錯, 都OK, 最緊要係睇個領隊

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