Urgent Question(6) ^_^

2007-08-15 3:52 am
Please show the steps very clearly.
1. A solid sphere with radius r is cut into two equal parts. What is the increase in the total surface area?
2. Two ice-creams have similar shapes. Each of them has a shape of a hemisphere on top of a cone. The amall ice-cream has 70ml of ice-cream. The large ice-cream has double the surface area of the smaller one. Find the volume of the large ice-cream. (Give the answer correct to the nearest ml.)

1. ??????

回答 (1)

2007-08-15 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
the original total surface area
the new total surface area
therefore,the increase in the total surface area=2πr2

The large ice-cream has double the surface area of the smaller one
that means the ratio of the volume of large one and small one is 1:2√2
the volume of the large ice-cream

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