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Math B
A.Math C <------>.<
i am now studying pure maths and applied maths(ASL)
ans: 首先,according to my memory,如果你修pure,一定唔可以修數統,because HKEAA防止d人去屈機,但應數+數統 我唔sure,you should ask your teachers to confirm!!! you MUST!!
好,e家正式答你問題! Maths (B)+A.Maths (B)自修數統,應該no problem.但應數(asl)我自問唔得,有d concept野無人講解,好難明,除非你有teachers問,並且一定要多過一個teacher,等你唔好問死一個,otherwise,he/she會敷衍答你( don't think that you are so smart that you will only ask a few questions ),至於應數(AL),我識一個phy,maths,amths都A的人,自修應數(AL), exam result is ............paper1(mechanics) 3x分,paper2(i.e. asl applied maths ) 8x分 . this means that i strongly recommand you DO NOT 自修應數(asl/al)
ans:absolutely YES!!!都係個句,除非你有teachers問,並且一定要多過一個teacher,等你唔好問死一個,otherwise,he/she會敷衍答你
ans: i can't answer you this time,能力,i think you (免)強叫有,但interest只會令你有多d心機,不可當飯食,要認真think think!
according to your ability,it is true.
if you want to self-study all maths subject, you can't!
but if you just want to have a pass, you can!!!
want a C?? quite difficult.
furthermore, you have other subject to study.
i don't suggest you to do this!
However, if you want to self-study 數統 ONLY, i think you can!!!
Math B
A.Math B
2007-08-16 15:11:52 補充:
if you升唔到中六,只係修純數一科 and no other subject...i suggest you to do so!=====================================升唔到中六,修純數for what?i am please to chat with you in email.