Canon DC

2007-08-15 3:12 am
I want to buy a Canon DC, 2.5 monitor, AA Battery. IXUS 850 IS is good but not using AA Battery. Any suggestion? Please.

回答 (2)

2007-08-21 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
All the Card Size Canon DCs do not use AA batteries.( and so are other bands mostly )
I suggest that you should select IXUS 850 IS & buy one spare battery.
By the way, Canon A Models are much bigger than Card Size.
2007-08-16 6:51 am
CANON A710IS, $1650,
地址 : 旺角西洋菜南街1A , 百利商業大廈 2210室, 高捷電業, (California Gym 樓上) Te l: 9495 4694 星期一至日 10:30am -8:00pm 年中無休,

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