RUNESCAPE: how to make money in the least amount of time?

2007-08-15 2:47 am
i want to buy full sara..
so i need to make money in the fastest way

combat lv: 79

i don;t want to do woodcutting, mine coals, catch lobs or do fishing....
so is there any other ways u could recommand?


ps: i m not a member


i've typed combat lv 79...

回答 (5)

2007-08-21 3:21 am
wanna get expensive things,u need to get at least 25k.first maybe u can buy green,rune body if u can. then sell it to the noobs that think it is rare in 20k for green and 100k.
2007-08-18 7:52 pm
You said youdon't want to have too much choice to choose. So I just recommend 1

The others told you that big bone is 250~300ea, but they are wrong.

I usually sell big bones when I have 100 of them.

I go to world 1, (or 18xx~19xx players' worlds)

Got to varrock 近 barbarian village that bank(usually called varrock big bank)

I sold them 300~350ea( this is the price is when you have 100 big bones , if you have 1000 big bones, sell to people also in varrock big bank"besides", you can have 400~500 ea)
Don't sell to others below 300ea.

I earn 500K+ in a month by fighting hill giant.(28lv)

If you want more details,send an email to "[email protected]"
i can give you a brass key if you do not have 1 to open the door of hill giant
or do not know how to go to there.I can bring you there or give you a map.

(title please write "runescape hill giant", i will delete the other if not title with "runescape hill giant)
參考: me
2007-08-16 5:25 pm
if you're not a member and want to earn money, I would recommand fishing lobs or mining coal....

But well you said you don't want to do so..

There are other methods

method 1: you can buy coal at 180-200 gp ea, iron ores at 90-100 gp ea. Make them into steel bars and sell them for 550 - 600 gp ea. You'll earn 50 - 100 gp ea steel bar, along with some smithing XP.

method 2: If you have runecrafting level 22 or up, you can make air runes. Buy your essence at 30 gp ea. You can make 3 air runes per essence used. Sell the air runes at 10 - 15 gp ea. You can earn 15 gp per essence that way, along with some runecrafting XP.

method 3: If you have a magic lvl of 52 or up, buy some wizard mind bomb from the Inn in Falador. It'll cost you 3 gp ea. Then go to Varrock and buy all rune med helms for 10k ea. Once you got a rune med, use a mind bomb and you should be able you high alch it, giving you 11.5k gp along with some magic XP. Using this method you can earn about 1.2k gp as you'll need to recover the cost of nature runes.

method 4: If you're really fond of fighting, try on the lessers. They drop things like 80 fire runes, rune meds helm, 800 gp, steel axe, steel scimi.....

method 5: Also try out the dark wizards out of Varrock South gate. They drop brillant drops such as laws ( 500 - 1k gp ea ) , natures ( 250 - 300 ea ) and cosmics and other runes. You can sell the more important ones and use the least important ones ( water, body, earth, mind,) to train your magic as well.
參考: me @@
2007-08-15 6:56 am
lol im going to buy full rune sara too.

kill hill gaint take big bone or limpumt can sell it many money.

i do this 1 hour 30k


fishing lobster and sell it 200 ea( kill hill gaint better)
參考: me
2007-08-15 3:45 am
hi , mine coal is the fastest way to make money if u are a non member.
what lv , smithing and mining , selling coal is good.
or trading is not bad.

if u have any problem , add me , my name is pass_la ( game name world 67 )

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