
2007-08-15 12:27 am
In a bakery ,250 cakes and 400 bread were sold yesterday. The number of cakes sold today is decreased by 10% and that of bread is increased by 15%. Find the total number of cakes and bread sold today.


回答 (8)

2007-08-15 12:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The cakes sold today
250*(1-10%) = 225

The bread sold today
400*(1+15%) = 460

The total number of cakes and bread sold today
225+460 = 685

2007-08-18 18:57:43 補充:
基本上所有回答的方法都是一樣的首先我們計出今天蛋糕賣出的數目昨天賣出250個,, 而今天賣的比昨天少了10%, 所以(1-10%), 即是今天只賣了昨了的90%(九成), 250個*90% 就計出今天賣了225個你也可以寫成 250 - (250*10%) = 225這裡 我們先計出 250個的10%是 25個然後以昨天的250減去10% 即是25那得出的結果還是 今天賣出了225個

2007-08-18 19:00:08 補充:
致於麵包 昨了賣了 400個, 今天多賣了15%換個方法算400 (400*15%) = 460400*15% 是計出今天比昨天多出15%的數目, 即是 60個然後加上昨天的400個 , 400 60 = 460由此得出今天賣了460個麵包最好把今天賣的蛋糕和麵包總數加起來225 460 = 685就知道今天總共賣了的蛋糕和麵包685個
2007-08-15 12:35 am
the number of cakes sold today:250x(1-10%)
the number of bread sold today:400x(1+15%)
the total number of cakes and bread sold today=225+460
2007-08-15 12:34 am
The total number of cakes and bread sold today

=225 cakes

=460 breads
. . the total number of cakes and bread sold today is 685 .
2007-08-15 12:33 am
The number of cakes sold today is decreased by 10% :
The number of bread sold today is increased by 15%:
The total number of cakes and bread sold today.
參考: me
2007-08-15 12:32 am
225cakes and 460bread
2007-08-15 12:31 am
250(1+0.1) + 400(1+0.15) = 735.


2007-08-14 16:33:23 補充:
2007-08-15 12:31 am
250*0.9+400*1.15 = 685
2007-08-15 12:31 am
Today Sold Cakes = 250 - 10% = 250 - 25 = 225
Today Sold bread = 400 + 15% = 400 + 60 = 460

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:02:32
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