
2007-08-14 11:10 pm

回答 (2)

2007-08-15 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
一定解決唔倒,因為空氣中帶有塵埃,幾大的空氣清新機都唔夠用。解決方法係把窗戶盡量關閉,開冷氣便 OK,因冷氣本身有隔塵網已經等於清新機,單開風亦有空氣過濾作用,唔使買空氣清新機,可以省地方一點,減少要洗空氣清新機的工作。
2007-08-15 1:56 am
Actually can. Air - conditioner also can, but the filter of the air conditioner is little bit bad, as the hole is too big, but can filter big bust. Air purifier can filter small dust, but not all. If you think the dust is on the surface of the furniture and you are not satisfied with it, use a vaccum cleaner to clean it.

Actually, the dust will not affect you, and it will come after few hours you clean it.
參考: me

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