
2007-08-14 10:44 pm
我想問下醫療or saving

回答 (4)

2007-08-14 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實間間差唔多.你可同保險講你想購saving how much & 醫療 how much都得.可就返你而plan嘛.最緊要保險人肯跟;好最重要!!!
2007-08-17 9:13 am
2007-08-17 8:35 am
Cheap is not the most important issue. For 醫療, the most imp[ortant things is grantee renewable. Becasue I have seen insurance company cut the client's medical because they claim too much. For information of which company is grantee renewable, please contact me at [email protected]
2007-08-15 6:49 am
你是一個finanical planner.為何還要知道醫療or saving !

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