
2007-08-14 10:10 pm

1 請問你想要D咩..<<

回答 (6)

2007-08-14 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 請問你想要D咩?
What do you want sir/madam?
2. 請你等陣...野飲好快會送到///
Please wait for a moment. The drink(s) will be served soon.
3. 我既榮幸.
It's my pleasure. / You're welcome. / Not at all.

4. Which would you like to prefer? coffee or tea?
2007-08-15 5:54 pm
1) Can I help you?
Are you ready to order?
What would you like to order?
2) Just one moment, Your drink is on its way.
Please wait a second, your drink will come straight up.
3) When customers said thank you to the waiter, the waiter will usually say ITS MY PLEASURE.
You can always say NO BOTHER, or YOU ARE WELCOME.
OR It is my pleaure to served you sir, hope to see you soon.

2007-08-15 10:00:36 補充:
Good Morning.You look very smart.Would you like anything else?Is everything OK for you?You have ordered a coffee, would you like it hot or iced cold.Would you like any side dishes with your meal?
2007-08-15 1:13 am
1) May I take your order?
What would you like to order?
Are you ready for order?

2) Sorry for keep you waiting, your drink will be ready soon.
Please wait for a secound, your drink will be ready soon.

3) My honore

4) Your are welcome (你客氣了)
5) Sir/ Madam, here is your bill (先生/女仕, 你的發票)
6) See you (再見)
2007-08-14 10:18 pm
1. WHAT CAN I HELP YOU? 我有什麼可以幫到你?
3. IT MY PLEASURE. 這是我樂意的
2007-08-14 10:17 pm
1 請問你想要D咩
Excuse me,what do you want?
Ask etc....Wild drink will send to very fast
I since be honored
2007-08-14 10:16 pm
1.通常D waiter will say '' what can i help you?''
2.'' please wait,your food/drink will come soon''
3.D waiter 5 會講我既榮幸!=.=

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