啦啦隊英文係咩 ?

啦啦隊的英文是咩 ? 謝謝

回答 (8)

2007-08-14 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
樓上的 cheerleading squad or cheerleading team 都可以
美式還可以叫 rooter
留意做 cheerleading 的所有人都叫 cheerleader
cheerleader 不是啦啦隊隊長,通常都用眾數
啦啦隊隊長是 cheerleading squad leader
2007-08-14 10:23 pm
啦啦隊英文係咩 ?

Simply: Cheerleaders = 啦啦隊.

Cheerleaders 己是一隊啦啦隊, 並不需冠以 team 或 squad.
參考: SELF
2007-08-14 10:07 pm
Cheering team
2007-08-14 9:36 pm
啦啦隊:a cheer squad
2007-08-14 9:36 pm
cheering team
Cheering team
2007-08-14 9:31 pm
Cheering team
2007-08-14 9:30 pm
Cheering Team

2007-08-14 17:46:23 補充:
You can look up the word in Yahoo dictionary by typing in the Chinese Characters.Yahoo! can help.Why don't you just look up the word in Yahoo dictionary?

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