**請問西雅圖seattle的旅遊介紹? 如旅館或租車(要平)

2007-08-14 9:10 am
請問西雅圖seattle的旅遊介紹? 如旅館或租車, 要平.
28 sept HKG -->seatle (air),租車(self-drive)去vancouver

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 9:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
there ares few sightseeing places that u should visit like Space Needle,Pike Place Market,Art Museum abd Alki beach which you can see the seaview of seattle. those are in downtown..
sorry i dont really know about the hotel and car renting, because i used to live in seattle.
it only takes around 3 hrs to drive to Vancouver.

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