
2007-08-14 9:00 am
今年升上了中六, 終於發覺到自己的英文差到極點,
如果以我現在的成績去考的話(特別是我的作文, 在校內試是拿H...),
我深信我不只不及格, 或者可能會不予置評吧.

所以我有個idea, 就是將Xanga轉為以英文去打,
希望可以有改善, 況且又不如不停作文般空泛,

報酬方面...我也不知道怎麼好, 總之我可以的範圍內也盡做吧。
請各有心人留名, 先謝過。

回答 (3)

2007-08-14 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
我可以幫你。發左email比你,你睇睇啦 ;)
2007-08-14 4:49 pm
[email protected]

i don member my xanga, ill find out lol. email me yours and title the subject clearly otherwise ima treat it as junk mail. and you dont have to pay me, even if you want to you wont be able to cus im in cali
2007-08-14 9:30 am
[email protected] This is my MSN
You add me and every time you inform me whenever you have finished your xanga blog and I would help you to check it.
My account is [email protected]
參考: Me...A good and decent man who would like to help you

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