why cant i change my surname?

2007-08-13 7:38 pm
i got divorced 14 years ago i wanted to change my surname back to my maiden name and my solicitor said i couldnt i wasnt allowed to could someone tell me why at the moment i am stuck with my marriage name and all my important paper work is in that name i just cant understand why i cant change my name according to my solicitor i cant

回答 (28)

2007-08-13 7:49 pm
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check it out with someone else - when i got divorced i asked my solicitor about it n he said that i could revert back 2 my maiden name without deep pole etc no problem as it is on my birth certificate
2007-08-13 7:46 pm
I'm sure that solicitor is talking absolute rubbish - of course you can change your name back. I know a few people who have done it. Anyone can change their name by deed poll (within reason)

Here's some info on how to go about it.

2007-08-13 7:45 pm
Your solicitor is just WRONG! I changed mine back almost from the minute we were separated, didn't even want to wait for the divorce to get my name back.
參考: Been there, done that............
2007-08-14 1:10 pm
change your solicitor.

You can change your name by deed poll online or via a solicitor. Its not expensive, around forty quid online.

You can also just USE your maiden name and tell everyone you are doing so. all banks, social security, utility firms, telephone, etc must be told you are now using the maiden name.

Its perfectly legal as long as you arent using the name for fraudulant purposes.
2007-08-13 10:19 pm
You can be known as any name you like as long as its not for fraudulent activity!
You can also change your name by deed poll to anything you like.

change your solicitor.
2007-08-13 10:13 pm
you can by deed poll,but it will cost you about £200.00,(so im told) thats for solicitors fees and re registration of paper work. Ditch the guy you have and get a new one, one that knows what hes doing.
2007-08-13 8:05 pm
Your solicitor is wrong you should ask for your money back , you can change your name to any thing you like , what you cannot change is your christian name or god given name .
It is done through a solicitor it is called "A NAME CHANGE DEED" cost about £65-00 to become absolute takes around 14 days.

參考: I changed my name this way "NAME CHANGE DEED"
2007-08-13 7:55 pm
Does you solicitor have a license? I don't know which state you're in. In CA all you need is when you file dissolution of marriage check the box that says have husband / wife's oringinal name restore. If after so many years they don't allow that, then tell them I want to change my name to ...so and so. I don't see why you can't do that.
2007-08-13 7:52 pm
I'd be interested to know what city/country you live in. I know for a fact you can differently get your name back. FYI you can simply start using any name (AKA Also Know As) and that becomes your legal name. You do not have to go through the courts to change your name in most states.
2007-08-13 7:49 pm
Your Solicitor is incorrect - go to the Citizens Advice they will tell you the best procedure - after a bad marriage once before I returned to my maiden name just by using it and gradually obtaining all documentation in that name - if there is too much paperwork to change then you would be better changing this by Deed Poll - you do not need a Solicitor to do this - just go to your local Magistrates Court and obtain the necessary forms - pay the fee and this can be processed through the court - do not know how much it is or how long it takes but through Deed Poll you can call yourself whatever you wish - a brother of a previous boyfriend had his name changed to Elvis Presley ages ago and he still calls himself that !! Good luck it may take a little time but you will be able to get there

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