Question on Child support when both parents live in diff. states...?

2007-08-13 7:32 pm
My ex wife and children live out of state. I paid for the divorce and have had a hardship. I am working part-time and going to school but can barely afford to pay my bills and am on food stamps. Child support is 500 /month and I only make 800. Doctor has ordered that I cannot work more than part time. She is trying to come after me through the GA child support agency. Can she or not? My lawyer said that she may not be able to come after me b/c she doesn't live in GA. If she can, are there any programs that can help me pay?

She has moved 4 times since the divorce. It's kinda hard to pay her when I don't know what her address is. I also have a weird visitation. She doesn't want me to be able to see them until they are 13. They are 5 and 4 now. And when they are 13, I have to go to her state and stay in a hotel for 2 weeks to visit them. I can't take them back home with me. My attorney said that I may be able to get them decreased b/c of hardship visitation rules. I also am a type 1 diabetic and my medicines are way too expensive and I am not old enough for medicare or medicaid. Also, I had the doctor's note saying that i couldn't work but part time when the divorce was in court.


I'm 2 years away from having my master's degree. She doesn't have a bank account and I have searched everywhere for her address and phone number and it is unlisted. How is it far that I'm supposed to pay 500 bucks a month when I can't even know where my kids are living? Or at least talk to them? My attorney can't even find her.

回答 (6)

2007-08-13 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Child support is a serious issue especially from the courts.
You can't ignore a court order or you go to jail and you don;t want that.

Your best shot here is to seek legal counsel to address your situation concerning your ability to pay child support based on what you earn. It's very difficult to do. From past knowledge of some friends in Georgia paying child support, they were thrwon in jail for failing to pay.

Their wages were garnished then he lost his job and while he was trying to find a job the State went after his Tax money and the end of the year and they took it all for back pay.

There's no easy way out of child support and it takes an attorney on your behalf to even get a change in some cases to lower it.
2007-08-13 7:38 pm
The program is called "get your butt back in court to file for a change in statis". You should be able to get help throught the courts now that you are doctor ordered not to work more.
2007-08-13 7:46 pm
The kids are always the victim of a divorce. Since you put down "children" I'm assuming at least two. $500 for two children???? Honestly, you ex is going to have a hardship too. Poor kids... Anyway, if you're really in a hardship right now, have the court review you situation and re-calculate your child support.

She keep moving, but does her bank account keep moving as well? All you need is an account number to deposit the child support. Since you can't work it's a good time to go back to school, get more education and find a better job, get your life back together. Cutting expense is not a solution, looking away to make more is the solution.
2007-08-13 7:42 pm
While you do still have financial responsibility for your kids no matter where they live and no matter how much money you make, I do think you are entitled to a review of support payments under the current circumstances. Get back to court and have a judge take a second look at what is going on - I'll bet he reduces your child support payments.
2007-08-13 8:12 pm
Since your income has decreased you can go back to court to have child support decreased as well. Your lawyer should have told you that. she can't get multiple child support orders when she wants to, and you have to live to. Yes it's both parents responsibility to take care of the kids, but your sex seems to be forgetting that she has to support them as well instead of riding on the gravy train.
2007-08-13 7:38 pm
So she should support them all by herself? We all have financial problems, but we still have to take care of our kids. They need food, clothes, electricity, hot water. Support your kids.

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