Can a marriage survive it one spouse stops "partying"?

2007-08-13 7:08 pm
What do you do if one person in a relationship stops partying i.e. drinking, clubbing etc. and the other wants to continue? Is the marriage doomed?

Thank you for the serious; insightful answers. I can do without the immature jerks who I reported as abuse for using derogatory terms.

回答 (10)

2007-08-13 7:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
give them an ultimatum...stop the partying or it's over...good luck! =)...the Bible says, "when I became a man I put away childish things" he needs to grow up and be the man in the marraige or you will find another, tell him...
2007-08-13 7:39 pm
Marriage is a team work, between husband, wife and even child(ren), if any members in that team is not cooperating, it'll affect the whole team. It's hard, but you need a lot of patience, understanding and dedication. Try every possible ways to make it work before giving up.
2007-08-13 7:18 pm
no they just need to compromise on how to make it so each one of them is happy. because obviously they understand on how the other one is feeling because they use to party, so there not going to leave them because of that.
2007-08-13 9:03 pm
No the marriage isn't doomed but you will feel some growing pains.
2007-08-13 7:19 pm
marriage is a jonit union, maybe you both should take a brake from partying for awhile. Discover new things together. Try it, you might like it.
2007-08-13 7:16 pm
how did you get married if you didnt have the single life out of it?

I think in proportions it can work.
Lots of understanding and honesty.
In my relationship I dont like to party go to clubs but I do like my time with my friends.
Every now and then I go out.
My bf likes to go out with his friends whenever they go and party.
As long as he comes back home to me.....Im cool.
2007-08-13 7:15 pm
kinda, sorta, yeah. you guys need to be on the same page
2007-08-13 7:14 pm
Not necessarily, but if a couple isn't spending fun time together they are more likely to drift apart.
2007-08-13 7:14 pm
Wow Well, you will have a lot of problems because of it. But you can talk to the other person and try to solve things out.
2007-08-13 7:12 pm

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