did anyone get to see the meteor shower last night/this morning?

2007-08-13 12:30 pm
i saw like 4 meteors.. lol... and all because of stupid sucky freakin clouds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but were there much because i remember a couple of years ago there was a meteor shower and it was crazy.. lots and lots of meteors there but here it took a long time..

回答 (4)

2007-08-13 12:37 pm
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copy and paste from space.com:

Monday, August 13
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak, 1:00 a.m.
With no bright moon to interfere, and considering that there will be a total eclipse of the Moon on the 28ths, this likely will be the second best event of the month. Find a comfy and safe spot away from lights and with a good view of the sky. Then just look to the eastern sky between midnight and dawn. Typically this is one of the best showers of the year, and conditions are good this year. The peak rates are usually given as 50 to 90 meteors per hour, but local seeing conditions can vary. Be content if you see one meteor every couple of minutes, but don't be surprised if you see a lot more!
2007-08-13 8:07 pm
yes I did. Saw bright flashes from them and came from different directions from northeast to northwest. They came in around different hours of night.
2007-08-13 7:55 pm
good for you at least you saw something. here the sky was all filled with clouds and lights so i couldnt see anything i was soo angry so i went to sleep
2007-08-13 7:52 pm
Ah! Wasilla, Alaska was really one of the best places to see it for sure. I was outside from about 1am to 3:30am. I counted 59 clear, big ones.

But the prediction this year for the meteors was alot lower then years before. Like they only predicted about 50 meteors per hour this year & years before it's been above 100 meteors an hour.

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