
2007-08-14 6:34 am
In an experiment, boxes slide down and accelerate along a friction-compensated inclined plane. Repeat the experiment using 1kg, 2 kg and 3 kg boxes, which one will have the greatest acceleration if they are released at the dame starting point at rest?

A. 1 kg box
B 2 kg box
C 3 kg box
D They have the same acceleration.

please give explaination

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
In a friction compensated inclined plane, magnitude of friction would be

equal to the downward component along the plane. There should not be


Therefore, the answer is D . They have the same acceleration. ZERO@~@

2007-08-13 23:12:16 補充:
另外一個版本,如果你的問題係做緊second law個研究應該係,首先,整一條 friction compensated runway.之後用一條 inelastic 的rope slightly pull one box .咁個BOX會以 constant speed slide 落黎。之後再加多一個BOX上去,一次過拉兩個BOX ,都係 slightly 咁pull一下睇個acceleration有咩改變。再加多一個的話,重覆咁做,又睇個acceleration有咩改變。

2007-08-13 23:12:25 補充:
係constant force的環境下,mass同acceleration成反比例mass越大,acceleration就越細。如果你係呢個情況,答案就係A. 1kg 個mass最細,所以就acceleration最大@~@條問題好唔清楚-口-"

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