你好, 你個case的確好煩. sorry, 我未必幫到你點選.
但, 我想與你分享一些事和想法, 希望幫到你.
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人物1: 我弟弟
第一年會考, 11分(好似, 我唔忘得exactly, 總之在11-14之間), 但中英都failed.第二年重讀, 13 (or 14 分), only英文都failed. 第三年再重讀,中英都終於合格. 由於弟弟明白自己只有理科是強項, 但中英白痴, 就算讀a level最後一定會中英又fail, 又要回ive的路, 所以佢放榜冇找學校, 一心向ive的高級文憑電腦科(他的興趣)發展. 可能是他的興趣, 佢好勤力, 又在比賽中獲獎. 完成高級文憑後, 一面工作, 一面讀part time degree. 講真, 好辛苦, 我噤大個都冇乜見佢會睇書讀書至深夜. 現出來工作了四年, 發展都ok.
人物2: 朋友
中五重讀, 9分升a level; a level 滿江紅. 入ive文憑only, 電腦科. 二年完成, 出來後一面工作一面考什麼電腦的專業資格(我唔識電腦d野). 工作了6年後, 現在讀part time degree (尚未畢業), 年頭轉新工, 人工兩萬多未三萬. 在這年齡上, 人工算頗好.
人物3: 朋友
中五重讀, 13分升a level; a level 唔得, 讀ive高級文憑物流. 出來工作一年後, 讀part time degree, 已畢業. 工作表現不錯, 工司重用, , 發展都ok.
Now, it' s my turn. repeated form 5, over 14 points and promoted to a level. And then studied in local U for full time programme; got a degree in science, but working in a totally different field. Now i am working in trading. I can tell u, the subject i studied in degree is not my interest. But as limited to my a level result, i have not choice but to hunt a save ring for getting a degree. That's why i chose science. However, via 3 years academic life, i found tha i was totally dislike this field and planned to work in other field once i graduated. There was no drive for me to push my academic up, because of no interest of this subject.
If you ask me "will u regret for choose this subject coz of wanna to have the degree?", i will say NO. Degree helps me to get a job easily, and, my langauge skill also improved. For me, the benefit of a degree is something outside academic! Degree now is a basic requirement for the society, as almost all have at least one.
One thing i wanna to advise you: nomally for the commercial, they care much for your degree & langauge ability rather than your A level result. So, try your best to get a degree & a good langauge skill.
One more thing i wanna to advise you: some government job requested the result of A level. Some requirement of A level can be replaced by high dip / degree. But it seems some government cannot replace so, i am not sure, please check with others.
So, to be simple, if u can continue study and get a degree, normally no one will care if you have A level or not.
Good luck, my friend
2007-08-14 01:15:23 補充:
私校 - 我冇讀過, 不過我f.5 repeat 讀 brand 5 的直資學校. 起初好驚, 驚有人打交, 驚d人上堂倒亂....不過原來有一半都是外來repeat生, 大家入得來都係想考番好hkcee. 班中當然大把人上堂睡覺冇心向學啦, 不過佢地上堂唔出聲(coz睡覺), 所以ok. 我當然唔理d無心向學分子啦,我群d想考番好hkcee的同學. 其實最緊要自己的方向想點, 鎖定目標, 不要被路上的分义路迷倒. 入得私校讀, 大既與你的分都差不多, 都有d心想讀書, 學校生活氣氛應不會差. 不過十隻手指有長短, 有d人好有heart要入u, 有d人只想f.7就ok. 所以小心交朋友
2007-08-14 01:16:19 補充:
不如你話比我地知你想讀ive什麼高級文憑科目ar? 大家比d意見你睇下個field條路係點走, 比d advice 你, 等你知多d嘛....
參考: myself