想請問digital camera d photo下載落電腦度是不是一定是jpg檔

2007-08-14 6:15 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-14 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是不一定的... it depends on the software of the digital camera itself... for example, the SLR, Canon Rebel XLT, can store the photo in RAW format... in fact some of the digital cameras can do that function too, not necessary the professional type (the canon rebel slt). Most of the digital cameras on the market, especially the point and shoot one, will store the photo in jpg format and some of them can save it as TIFF.

Hope this helps
2007-08-14 7:07 am
如果你講係你用相機影的相的file,dl to comp是不是一定是jpg檔的話,那是否定的
2007-08-14 6:23 am
一般數碼相機所儲存的檔案都是jpeg, 而少數中高級的相機有多一種的格式, 它們是RAW.

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