✔ 最佳答案
img807.zip 向聯絡人發送
How drunk was I in this picture?
Did you take this picture?
Is that your mom in this picture?
is that you on the left?
lol, your mom just sent me this picture?
病毒檔案 img807.zip
1. 重新開機,開機期間按 F8 進入安全模式(不含網絡指令)
2. 開始 -> 執行 -> regedit
3. 找到 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run]。刪除 "Microsoft Visual Application"="vpcrtf.exe"。
4. 刪除檔案
注:%systemroot%指OS的目錄,Windows XP 一般指 "C:\WINDOW",? 指不固定的英文字/數字
5. 最後再重新開機,如剛才的檔案沒有再次出現的話即大功告成!
Pics.zip 向聯絡人發送
look what i found on my dads computer :O
Hey m8, who is this on the right, in this picture...
haha look at this pictures, its that girl from school
OMG have you seen these pictures yet!?
lol is this u?
i cant believe this, someone got a pic of me naked
omg wtf look at this
regarder ceci
Schauen Sie dies an
病毒檔案 Pics.zip
1. 重新開機,開機期間按 F8 進入安全模式(不含網絡指令)
2. 開始 -> 執行 -> regedit
3. 找到 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run],刪除 "sy"="s?.exe";
4. 找到 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices],刪除 "sy"="s?.exe"。
5. 找到 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OLE]],刪除 "sy"="s?.exe"。
注:? 指不固定的數字
6. 刪除檔案
注:%systemroot%指OS的目錄,Windows XP 一般指 "C:\WINDOW"
7. 最後再重新開機,如剛才的檔案沒有再次出現的話即大功告成!