
2007-08-14 6:10 am
I am 11 years old 142cm 32kg 扭波平平,罰球頗佳,射球都得,守門普通

回答 (3)

2007-08-14 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
進攻中場、正中場la 扭波平平前鋒同左右中場麻麻,進攻中場、正中場不用扭多波,又可以射波
參考: Myself
2007-08-14 10:44 am
試打進攻中場, 因可射球,

學 c.朗拿度 和施母 ,學下插花吧!

參考: self
2007-08-14 8:44 am
positions good at

striker : fast and shooting
side striter : fast, shotting and crossing
winger : fast,tricks, crossing drible
attact midfiled : long range shot, and good at thoughting the ball
midfiled : attact and deffence
defence midfiled : defence
right back : defence and fast
centre back : defence annd slight ticle
goalkeeper ; not afrad to hurt.

hope this help

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