
2007-08-14 5:33 am
a loaf of
a bag of
a can of
a pair of
a packet of
a tub of
a sheet of
a glass of


ice cream


回答 (9)

2007-08-14 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
a loaf of bread
a bag of flour
a can of katchup
a pair of scissors
a packet of biscuits
a tub of ice cream
a sheet of paper
a glass of coke
2007-08-14 5:59 am
1.a loaf of biscuits 一塊餅乾
2.a bag of bread 一袋麵包
3.a can of ketchup 一罐番茄醬
4.a pair of scissors 一把剪刀
5.a packet of flour 一袋麵粉
6.a tub of coke 一盆焦炭
7.a sheet of paper 一張紙
8.a glass of ice cream 一杯冰淇淋

參考: me
2007-08-14 5:45 am
1.a loaf of bread 2.a bag of flour 3.a can of katchup 4.a pair of scissors 5.a packet of biscuits 6.a sheet of paper 7.a glass of coke 8.a tub of ice cream

2007-08-13 21:48:48 補充:
可能a glass of coke 同a can of katchup錯
參考: 我
2007-08-14 5:45 am
a loaf of bread
a bag of flour
a can of coke
a pair of scissors
a packet of biscuits
a tub of ice cream
a sheet of paper
a glass of katchup
2007-08-14 5:44 am
a loaf of bread

a bag of flour

a can of coke

a pair of scissors

a packet of biscuits

a tub of katchup

a sheet of paper

a glass of ice cream


a tub of katchup同埋a glass of ice cream唔知有冇調轉呢??


2007-08-13 21:46:20 補充:
sorry,,原來係..a tub of ice creama glass of katchup先岩..*
2007-08-14 5:43 am
a loaf of paper
a bag of biscuits
a can of katchup
a pair of scissors
a packet of bread
a tub of flour
a sheet of ice cream
a glass of coke

2007-08-14 5:42 am
a loaf (形容一條或一塊麵包)of bread
a bag (袋) of flour
a can (罐) of coke
a pair (用於一對的物件) of scissors
a packet (小袋) of biscuits
a tub (桶) of ice cream
a sheet (張) of paper
a glass (玻璃樽) of katchup
2007-08-14 5:42 am
loaf of bread
bag of flour
can of coke
pair of scissors
packet of biscuits
tub of ice cream
sheet of paper
glass of ketchup

其中我對glass of ketchup 有少許疑問=.=
但之前用剩glass 同biscuits=.=
參考: 自己
2007-08-14 5:41 am
a loaf of bread
a bag of flour
a can of coke
a pair of scissors
a packet of biscuits
a tub of ice cream
a sheet of paper
a glass of katchup

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