
2007-08-14 2:46 am
1.Look at these five words.Put one letter in the line to from five new words.What are these five new words?
_________all = b)_____
_________lock = c)_____
a)______+ rain = d)_____
_________ear = e)_____
_________read = f)_____

2.Rearrange the sentences and form a meaningful story. a)The security guards pushed him onto the floorand them took him to the police station. b)The man ran into the bank and put a note in the teller's hand.


c)They read it and then they let him go. d)He was looking for his bank book when suddenly the alarm went off. e)As the policemen found that he could not speak,they asked him to write down what had happened on a piece of paper.


f)It told her that he needed twenty thousand dollars. g)He did the writing. h)It also told her to be quick.


3.Fill in each blank with a suitable adjective.Then choose response for it.Put one letter in each line. a)It weighs 40 kg. b)It's as big as a 29-inch TV set. c)Two metres. d)Two hours. e)2 1/2(二又二分一)inches. f)Seventy. g)My shoes are size 8.


e.g.How __deep__ is the swimming pooi? __C__ 3.1)How _____ have you been doing your homework? _____ 3.2)How ____ is your foot? _____ 3.3)How ____ is the dictionary? ____ 3.4)How ____ is your grandfather? _____ 3.5)How ____ is the pumpkin? _____ 3.6)How ____ is the parcel? ______


4.A naughty child cut the paper into pieces. Now every word is in two parts. Can you put the halves together?Than, can you put the six words together and read them? ase,th,sta,ple,e,li,low,beh,ind,nd,ne,yel The six words are: _____________________________


5.How can we count these things?Use the words given below.Each word can be used once only. bar,pair,can,packet,plie,sheet,slice.loaf,bunch,heap


a _____ of chocolates. a _____ of trousers. a _____ of potato chips. a _____ of paper. a _____ of coke. a _____ of keys. a _____ of bread. a _____ of dust. a _____ of books. a _____ of lemon.

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
In hong kong there goes no free lunch

2007-08-13 19:03:54 補充:
in this world it got no free luch or breakfast otr dinner
參考: me

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