
2007-08-14 2:29 am
我有一份廿五年期月供基金在 Friends Provident thr 大福 $4k/mo 現在近兩年,想問應如何後續:
(1) Investec Global Strategic Equi $12k
(2) Allianz GIS RCM Oriental Incom $13k
(3) Man AHL Diversified Futures L $12k
(4) Templeton Bric $23k
(5) Templeton Latin America $8k
(6) Aberdeen Global Asia Pacific $8k
(7) New Star GIF European Growth $7k
Now allocating 25% each into (4-7)

Should I switch from (7) into one of (8-9) w Vietnam?
(8) Invesco Asia Infrastructure
(9) CAAM Asean New Markets
How about the others? Thks!

現在還應該買入金鏄四國嗎?應持有多久? 拉丁美洲是否已重覆了四國內的巴西了?拉丁美洲又應否持續買入和持有多久? 成熟市場如歐洲是否會因次按問題持續受壓?是否應因此停止買入?

回答 (2)

2007-08-14 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
for more aggressive ----ur suggested new allocations
-Baring HK and China 30%
-Baring Eastern Europe 20%
-Templeton Latin Am 20%
*with a focus on China and ASEAN instead of evenly distributed since these TWO will continue to grow to a great extent from 2007 to 2010

In fact , there are too much funds ur former portfilio and also to be further re-allocated if u want further enhance the profit growth .

Good Luck !!
2007-08-14 3:06 am

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