關於Mr.Bean on Holiday

2007-08-13 10:15 pm
我想要Mr. Bean on Holiday 的人物名(英文)及性格(最好都係英文)!

回答 (2)

2007-09-02 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i think ...
Mr. bean is silly and naive...
his behavior is unusual and always do many stupid things
that make some people had a bad feeling and disgust..
sometimes he behave selfish but he don't know that is affect other..

The director, Carson Clay (Willem Dafoe飾)
he is narcissistic(自戀)..coz He directs in movie. He appear in each plot ..
actally his film is boring..but he enjoy it...

2007-09-02 14:34:22 補充:
唔係disgust...係dislike for him
參考: me
2007-08-24 9:07 pm
Mr Bean ----------------------- selfish

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