
2007-08-13 8:37 pm
以下三種植物中選―種,作為父親的禮物 & 說明選擇既原因 ar...
植物: 仙人掌 , 秋葉 , 竹

希望幫幫手! >.<"

回答 (2)

2007-08-13 8:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-08-13 8:50 pm
If I were you, I would like to choose 仙人掌, because:
It will sometimes be terrible, but sometimes not ( have stinks, but if you take it away, it is smooth! And even have water in it !) that means, if you're really being good, your father surely will "open his stinks and let you have the water inside it, but if you're not, and he'll not let you have the water, but the stinks! And that's what many fathers will do... So the 仙人掌 is just like father! And when you look at it, it just reminds you to be good!

I hope that will help you, and happy birthday to your father too! :)

2007-08-13 12:56:55 補充:
And if you wants to buy the 竹, that's okay, but you know, I'm a strange person, I want something that is more special to someone! But you can listen to your heart, see what your heart wants for your father... And again, happy birthday to your father! :)

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