升中六 OR 讀IVE

2007-08-13 7:47 pm
我是今年的會考生,拿了16分, 全科合格, 中文 商業 經濟 會計 各拿2分, 英文 電腦各拿1分, 數學拿3分, 宗教拿5分.
我原本沒想過自己可以升中六, 因本人英文不好, 所以放榜當天和原先的想法不同, 最後我都報了中六, 原校收了我, 但我害怕中六跟不上進度, 因中一至中五都是中文教學的, 中六變了全英文教學, 所以擔心, 但我都付了$留中六學位.
同時我也報了IVE, IVE也即時收了我, 我報讀了四年制會計學高級文憑, 已付了小部分學費, 但我只可以選擇一個升學方式, 心情比會考前煩和復雜很多, 希望大家幫幫我.
希望大家以我的會考成績來評估我, 本人從未想過可以升讀大學, 所以回答者不要用升大學的機會率來給我意見, 其實我也想問升中六中七揾工易OR報讀了IVE四年制會計學高級文憑?(備註:因英文合格, 讀IVE只需三年, 即時入讀二年級)
IVE四年制會計學高級文憑OR LCCI勁?我見揾會計工作經常都要LCCI, 所以想知道, 多多意見我都想知.THX~

回答 (3)

2007-08-13 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當然是IVE四年制會計學高級文憑 勁過LCCI..............
參考: 自己
2007-08-14 2:33 am
16 is already a good mark for commerce students to go further studies in S6. Don't underrate yourself.
As the study group becomes small, you will find that study in S6 is more dynamic and friendship is closer. You will have more opportunities to train your leadership in school as you are an upper form student. The studies are more academic, quite difficult but challenging. The most important point is that, as a successful student, you will learn a lot of critical thinking in these 1 and a half years' study. If you really study hard, you will find it rewarding when you taste the sense of achievement. As you have learned from economics, higher return will come with higher risk. Would you like to try?
2007-08-13 10:14 pm
你最好在原校讀中六,因為你咁多科都合格,如果你讀IVE ,我覺得會浪費你的智慧,所以你最好在原校讀中六,只於你害怕中六跟不上進度,你最好就報讀D補習班,唔明白的地方就問老師,咁你就跟得上進度
參考: me

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