reaction 既observation 一問 [緊急!!!!]

2007-08-13 6:07 pm
reactant: potassium dichromate + hydrochloric acid
想問下點解observation 係no visible change ?
但係我寫ionic equation ,dicromate ion -> chromate ion
咩observation 唔係orange to green ?
最好可以解答得詳細d,我chem 唔係太叻…

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope you understand english.
As you said, dichromate reacts with HCl. In acidic solution, the species is dichromate (orange, Cr2O7 2-). In alkaline solution, the species is chromate (yellow, CrO4 2-).
There is no observable change as the pH is low, dichromate will still be dichromate. That's so simple. It would not be chromate ion.
Moreover, only Cr3+ is green. Here, oxidation to give Cl2 and reduction to give Cr3+ is difficult as the oxidizing power of dichromate is not very high. Moreover, the reaction rate is too slow.
參考: me

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