問****網上名牌專門店 真定假

2007-08-13 9:22 am


回答 (2)

2007-08-16 12:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
睇完覺得唔似假野, 但係說真句, 依家d 超a 貨真係好勁, 就連d好專業既人士都有時分唔到真假.
如果你怕買到假野, 又何必為左平個幾百蚊而去幫襯呢d online shop呢, 你話係咪先???
參考: own experience..
2007-08-24 4:51 pm
you can judge the authenticity by those pictures!!!
must see the REAL product before u pay.

2007-08-24 08:51:35 補充:
you CANNOT judge
參考: me

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