How did 辛亥革命 affect China ?? I want English!!! thx

2007-08-13 8:03 am
How did 辛亥革命 affect China ??

回答 (1)

2007-08-14 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Historical significance
The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Manchu Government and the 2000 years of monarchy. Throughout Chinese history, it was always a dynasty replacing a dynasty. The Xinhai Revolution however, overthrew monarcy completely in an attempt to establish a new political system - a Republic. The Xinhai Revolution established the first democratic republic in Asia - The Republic of China. Even though the rules of a democratic republic was damaged separately by the Beiyang warlords, at one time the monarchy was replaced back for a short period of time. However, none of them could overturn the popular system of a republic.

The Chinese revolutionaries at the time did not have a streamlined idea of ruling. As a result, they followed the American Constitution, American political system and implemented a presidential republic. Even though the limitation of conditions of modern society and the despise of povisional constitution from the government rulers. For example, Sun Yat-sen modified the constitution to limit Yuan Shikai's power, and Yuan Shikai later cancelled the constitution to proclaim himself emperor. During the early years of the Republic of China, democracy was not fully put into practise. But it was the first time China had attempted to carry out the republic system, and enforced the spread of democratic ideas in China, confirming the sense of value on democracy, which had timeless historical significance.

Long after the success of Xinhai Revolution, the idea of monarchy and totalitarianism did not disappear in China, and at one time maintained its social influence. Even though the Communist Party of China claimed to have created "people's democratic dictatorship" in 1949 with the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the true democracy (e.g. the separation of power in the United States) was never fully implemented by the Beiyang Government, the Nanjing Government led by the Nationalist Party, or the Government of the People's Republic of China.[citation needed]

Besides that, after each provinces echoed as a result of the success in the Xinhai Revolution, China entered long stage of turmoil and separation. Other than the time period after the Second Revolution where Yuan Shikai briefly unified the nation, the rest of the Chinese regimes were unable to unify the whole China. For example, the Nationalist Government claimed itself the head of a unified China while it was only able to receive taxation from five provinces.[citation needed] It is not until 1950 when the Communist Party of China was able to re-unify China. The long separation and war were destructive of the economic development of China and the modernization of its infrastructure.
p.s:Because of word limitation, more details please refer to


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