Travel to Sapporo in September

2007-08-13 7:47 am
I will go to Sapporo in September, 3 full days will the following schedule, please advise
1. Go to Otaru, is 1 full day too much ?
2. Go to Furano to visit the flower farm, is the flower still worthy to visit ?
3. Stay in Sapporo, due to limited time, any place must go ?

Is 60000Yen sufficent for the traffic and food ?

Thank you.

回答 (1)

2007-08-13 9:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 用半天時間在小樽遊玩已經足夠.

2. 根據富田農場去年的相片, 在 9 月份仍然是開滿花的, 你可以參考以下的網頁.

3. 個人覺得札幌沒有甚麼好玩的地方, 你可以到"時計台", "白之戀人公園", 及 "狸小路商店街"逛逛.
參考: 自己

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