化妝前既day cream !!!20 points

2007-08-13 3:09 am
我想要保濕5"立", 用完爽易上妝既day cream .. 5知各位有咩介紹 ? thanks .

回答 (2)

2007-08-13 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
The most important factor to choose a day cream would be the sun protective factor (SPF), because you would need at least SPF15 to protect your skin from the sun, no matter it is a sunny or cloudy day. It is difficult to suggest a product before really know what is your skin type, but you can try Moisture Oil Free SPF15 from Neutorgena, it is emollient but not too sticky after it is absorbed, most importantly it is not expensive.
參考: Myself
2007-08-13 3:57 am
SOFINA 唔笠, 佢支日霜仲有防曬SPF24, 方便

參考: 我自己比較乾就用RISE個條LINE

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