[ 緊急 !! ] 4級皇家音樂學院考試 aural 考 d 咩 !?

2007-08-13 1:53 am
如題 ,, 唔該曬 * =]

其實係有3part定 4part ga ... ?
我睇一本書就有A.B.C.D part ,,
part A > 拍子
part B > 唱歌
part C > 聽變化 ( melodic , dynamic 果d ... )
part D > 聽歌答問題

而另外一本就得A.B.C part ...
part A > 唱歌
part B > 視唱
part C > 聽歌答問題

2本書講 d 野都唔一樣0既 ...
攪到我好混亂 ...

回答 (2)

2007-08-14 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
A To sing or play from memory a four-bar melody played twice by the examiner.(即是唱歌)
B To sing five notes from score in free time within the range of a third above and below the tonic in the key of C, F or G major.(即是視唱)
C1 To identify certain features of a piece played by the examiner. The features will be confined to dynamics (p/f ), gradation of tone (crescendo/diminuendo), articulation (staccato/legato), tempo changes (rallentando/accelerando, etc.), recognition of major and minor tonality, and general perception of the character of the piece, of which the examiner will select one or two and advise the candidate accordingly before playing the piece. (即是聽樂段答問答)
C2 To clap the rhythm of a short extract played twice by the examiner from the above piece and state whether it is in 2, 3 or 4 time.(聽一小段樂段的旋律2次,再拍節奏,並說出它是2拍、3拍和4拍)
2007-08-13 9:29 am
4 parts 是 1993 年開始使用的 Aural test 考試綱領 , 你一定要看清楚。
去年都是用 4 parts, 是否今年改了呢?
part A > 拍子
part B > 唱歌
part C > 聽變化 ( melodic , dynamic change)
part D > 聽歌答問題
你可到琴行看新Aural test 書, 不用買, 看看是否今年改了。
也可看下你那本 3 parts 書的出版年份。
多謝你的提示, 因我有學生考 4 級琴, 亦有朋友考 4 級小提琴。
但考官可在聽歌答問題時問你拍子, 所以也要練習聽 2 time,
3 time and 4 time 。

參考: self

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