
2007-08-13 12:54 am
本人而家係澳洲既University Of Adelaide讀緊Bachelor of Law, 未有咁快讀完 [成績中上],想知道讀完之後仲要讀D咩 [要讀幾耐]OR 考咩試[要咩成績]先可以係HK做到律師呢? 唔該



回答 (1)

2007-08-13 4:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
after you obtain your LLB from Adelaide Uni apply to study PCLL at HKU ( 1 years programme) then sit the PCLL exam. You need to work at a law firm as a lawyer trainee for 1 to 2 years in order to become a lawyer
have a look at HKU website regarding PCLL

若最後唔做律師,讀完法律做咩職業比較有優勢呢? Most people I know can become a lawyer, don't worry

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