how to speak 參加 in English? (特別一些course)

2007-08-12 11:49 pm
how to speak 參加 in English? (特別一些course)

e.g. join the little news reporter-training course

回答 (2)

2007-08-14 10:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

「course」通常會用「take」,e.g. I am taking a training course.


join : 「join」的意思本身是「連結」,所以用作加入一些機構或隊伍成為其中一員(member),或者參與一些團體的活動,但很少會用「join」來表達參加一些比賽。e.g. join a club/join a team.

take part in: 參與。e.g. take part in an activity

participate in: 參與/參加活動 (activity/event)。e.g. participate in a game / participate in a contest

enter (for): 報名參加。e.g. enter (for) a competition / enter (for) a race / enter (for) an exam

enrol in: 入學/入會/登記。e.g. enrol in a course / enrol in a school

sit (for): 參加考試。e.g. sit (for) an exam

apply for: 申請。e.g. apply for a job

attend: 出席。e.g. attend a meeting

enlist in, partake in, sign up
2007-08-13 12:53 am

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