
2007-08-12 10:24 pm

1)How isn’t he scared of me?

2)Then he realised how silly he had been ---- the other dog was actually own


回答 (3)

2007-08-13 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) How isn't he scared of me? →→→ Why isn't he scared of me?
他不怕我喎, 為什麼呢?所以一定是 why; 而 isn't 是絕對正確的, 不必改為wasn't (雖然 wasn't 亦可以)。

2) Then he realized how silly he had been---the other dog was actually own reflection →→→ Then he realised how silly he had been---the other dog was actually his own reflection.
另外兩位網友把 he had been 改為 he was, 但其實 he had been 應該絕對正確。... how silly he had been 是因為他已經明白那倒影原來是他自己, 在他明白的時候他已不是silly, 既然 realised (明白) 是past tense, 與 silly 相連的時態便要用 past perfect tense (he had been silly), 以顯示兩者在時間上的差別。
如果是 Then he realised how silly he was, 即是說---他明白了, 而他仍然是silly---令人不明所指的是什麼。
2007-08-12 10:38 pm
1. Why isn't he scare of me?

2. Then he realized how silly he was that the other dog was actually his own reflection.

參考: 4年前移民美國,所以我諗應該幫到你~ (自己)
2007-08-12 10:30 pm
1)Why wasn't he scared of me?
2)Then he realised that how silly he was ---- the other dog was actually his own

2007-08-12 14:31:40 補充:
第2題改:唔要thatThen he realised how silly he was ---- the other dog was actually his own reflection.

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