
2007-08-12 12:35 pm
honey 1個月很快過了-.-想當日你里我宜去果陣 我很傷心 我有點兒害怕 不知為什麼這樣 那時 我記得 我的眼淚不知不覺地流了出來 這一個月真的很痛苦 我記得 我次次出街也不太開心 因為主要係冇左你 冇左你去做咩都冇哂意思 冇左你我就好似一個廢人 冇左你我的生存都沒意思 你在香港說你身體檢查說你身子不好 但是我不會在乎 我只在乎你 我只想和你永遠的一起 給你照顧 如果你身子有幾咁唔好 我都會照顧你的 直到永遠 我講咁多野 只想同你講一樣野 我唔理你生佬病死 我都愛你一世

回答 (1)

2007-08-12 4:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
honey ,1 month very quick, -. - thinks the same day in you I suitably to go to fruit, I am very sad, I a little am afraid, why didn't know like this, at that time, I remembered, my tear has flowed unconscious, this month was really very painful, I remembered, my time went to town is not too happy, because was mainly is left you, was left you to make baa shen the meaning, was left your I seems a disabled person, was left your I the survival not to have the meaning, you in Hong Kong said that your health examination said your body was not good, but I will not care about, I cared about you only, I want with your forever one, to look after only for you, if your body has several is not good, I will look after you until forever, I will say wildly, wants to say only with you equally wildly, my no matter you will live the man to die of illness, I will love your entire life.

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