
2007-08-12 11:41 am
1) 利用Shipping 一個月內可以寄到嗎?
2) 有幾間公司可以寄?(唔一定要速遞,其實我唔太知一般幾耐到會寄到)
2) 請推介幾間平又安全?(安全指唔會唔見左件貨)



回答 (2)

2007-08-12 12:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have tried various ways to send things back to UK from HK.

1) DHL/Fed-ex both offers Jumbo box service. For 25 Kg, they will cost HKd$1700

2) HK Post offer speed post. For 30Kg, they will cost HKD$1680.

Both of these services will arrive within 5 days and 一定安全.

For cheaper option, I have tried Sea-mail. For 30Kg, HKD$500. But this will take at least one month and not guarantee.

If you are planning to study in 伯明翰, you can actually pick up majority of chinese food from Birmingham China Town. Wing Yip Supermarket http://www.wingyip.com/ is the largest in Birmingham and you should be able to pick up food (instand noodles)... etc from there.

If it is 冬天衫, you can pick up suitable one in UK. It will work out cheaper than posting from HK.

Message me if you need further advise.
參考: Myself - Live in UK.
2007-08-13 4:16 pm
HK post is OK,

I have sent many stuff vis them both air and ship, got to me no problem.

No shipping company with ensure 安全指唔會唔見左件貨 this, accient happen, but if you pack you box nicely and give a good address ( type it out by computer) I never have lost any package yet.

I live UK nowdays, you can get most of stuff here and the price is getting cheaper.

Clothing you don't need to send from HK, here can get very good nice cloth.

Food- like the guy before me Wing Yip is a very big supermarket, you can buy almost all you need from there....

most places have have small electric good like rice cooker/ kettle for £5-15 ponuds.

also alot of supermarket ok 24hours.....

check the following website out you can find out more about UK.

http://www.upmystreet.com/ this website tell you more about where you live just type in the post code M1 3FG.

http://www.somucheasier.co.uk/supermarkets-uk.html listing of all supermarket in UK, from butget to M & S....

http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Home.htm a place catolgat shop sell everything......

http://www.argos.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search?storeId=10001&catalogId=1500000701&langId=-1&searchTerms=rice+cooker a page show you rice cooker.....

you have fun study in UK....
參考: self I live and work here and web

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