
2007-08-12 7:34 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-12 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
0係全世界0黎講西班牙文0既人多過法文, 因為好多拉丁美洲國家都係用西班牙文做official language~
不過如果0係歐洲, 法文就通用0的, 因為有好幾個國家都係用法文~
但我自己覺得西班牙文實用0的, 而且學過西班牙文再學葡萄牙文, 意大利文會易0的~
2007-08-18 1:36 am
2007-08-12 11:57 pm
It is difficult to tell which is more important.
Spanish is spoken, besides Spain, in South America (except Brasil) and many of the people living in the US also speak Spanish.
French is a more beautiful language. Besides in French, people in Luxembourg and southern Belgium also speak French.
There are some French speaking 'ex-colonies' in Africa and in the Pacific. Also in the most popular country for HK people - Canada, people in Quebec also speak French. I have heard that when you immigrate to Canada, you have to learn French.
I think it depends which one you think is useful for you in future.
參考: my opinion.

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