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2007-08-12 6:55 am



回答 (3)

2007-08-12 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
China tied the skill the origin also certainly is starts from the ancient times age tying of knots in a cord discipline matter.      
It is said China ties the price quotation long knot, it took one kind of decoration art begins in the Tang Song time, to bright peaceful and orderly times time, the people start for to tie the naming, has entrusted with a richer connotation for it.For instance: The pleasant knot represents propitiously pleasant    
China ties a skill minute two big kind of the propitious knot to tie with the clothing, propitious knot ancient times commonly used in temple curtain and on Buddhist priest's cassock, because the people thought it can avoid evil influences disappears the disaster, turns bad luck into good names; The clothing ties uses in the people putting in, like bracelet, waistband and so on.The people according to the basic knot the shape, Italy name, and with other expression propitious design decorations matching combination, weaves various knot skill accessories.Therefore divides into large-scale hangs small, hangs.
2007-08-29 9:49 pm
Chinese knot art of origin must also be from ancient times Knotting Chronicle began.

China reportedly known guitar - Knot and as a decorative arts at the Tang and Sung dynasties, the Ming and Qing dynasties, people began to guitar named for it gives a much richer content. For example : Wishful guitar representatives gate

Chinese knot art two broad categories -- mascot costumes guitar and guitar, guitar auspicious commonly used in ancient times, Zhang Man and the temple monks bare, because people think it fortune out in the world and its name; Dress for the guitar more people wearing, such as bracelets, belts, etc.. People under the basic guitar-shaped Italian name, and said other auspicious motifs ornaments combinations to a wide variety of guitar weave art jewelry. There is the ever-large and small ever

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2007-08-12 7:00 am

Chinese knot art of origin must also be from ancient times Knotting Chronicle began.

China reportedly known guitar - Knot and as a decorative arts at the Tang and Sung dynasties, the Ming and Qing dynasties, people began to guitar named for it gives a much richer content. For example : Wishful guitar representatives gate

Chinese knot art two broad categories -- mascot costumes guitar and guitar, guitar auspicious commonly used in ancient times, Zhang Man and the temple monks bare, because people think it fortune out in the world and its name; Dress for the guitar more people wearing, such as bracelets, belts, etc.. People under the basic guitar-shaped Italian name, and said other auspicious motifs ornaments combinations to a wide variety of guitar weave art jewelry. There is the ever-large and small ever

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