
2007-08-12 4:00 am
我注冊時撰擇了"12 and under",點好...

回答 (3)

2007-08-13 6:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實唔係好大問題,如果你好耐之前(喺Runescape註冊要問你年齡之前)已經註冊咗,就唔會有影響。如果你宜家註冊,只要唔好再選擇"12 and under"就OK la!
參考: Runescape Player
2007-08-12 6:40 pm
this message: "Sorry, you already told us you were under 13 and we stopped you from opening an account. We really meant it!"-just keeps poppin up right?

So try using a different web browser other than watever u were using. eg. if u were using Internet Explorer (I.E), then instore Firefox and use that to get to Rs and try to create a new account. It definitely works for Ff and IE....

other browsers:
smart explorer
參考: Me, lol
2007-08-12 9:16 am
create a new account since it doesn't have a choice to adjust it...
參考: me

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