急!!Eng Book Report!

2007-08-12 12:23 am
Eng Book Report!! 十分!!

1) For one more day --------- mitch albom


2) five people u meet in heaven ---------- mitch albom

回答 (1)

2007-08-12 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
These reviews are on the internet, you should change them before you use.

five people u meet in heaven ---------- mitch albom
Eddie is 83 years old when this book opens. It's his birthday. He goes to work like he has all his adult life to his job as head of maintenance at the Ruby Pier Amusement Park. When one of the rides breaks, he jumps to push a young girl out of the path of the falling car. He gets killed not knowing if he was able to rescue her or if they both died.
Now, in Heaven, a blue man approaches him. Eddie doesn't remember the man until reminded. This man had been in the freak show at the Ruby Pier Amusement Park when Eddie was a kid. Eddie's father had also worked at the park, so Eddie knew the place all his life. The Blue Man then starts talking about an incident that happened when Eddie was 8 or so. Eddie learns that before he is done he will speak with 4 more people and see his own life differently than he himself had while alive.
Do you ever wonder if your own life is important? Do you think that you haven't really made a difference in the world? Mitch Albom uses The Five People You Meet in Heaven to show that everyone is important and has an impact on the people around him or her. Things that mean nothing to me (or you) may affect other people's lives without me being aware of what has really happened.
For such a small book this one packs a lot into it. Albom's drawn picture of heaven in this novel doesn't fit my perception of heaven. But I can identify with the need to know what my life was all about. Eddie gets to review his life, find forgiveness, find redemption, and find what type of hero he was. This book brought me to tears to the point I had to stop reading enough for my eyes to clear up. This book was written succinctly and powerfully.
For one more day --------- mitch albom

Chick Benetto is a man who tried to kill himself. This is the story about his attempted suicide and the one day it gave him with his deceased mother. Through the book we see bits of his childhood; Chick’s absentee father, nurse mother, and Roberta, his sister. We see his parents fighting over dinner, his father claiming that it just isn’t right. The father turns to him and asks him what he thinks of the food. Chick sides with his father because his father always says, “You can be a momma’s boy or a daddy’s boy, but you can’t be both.”

When Chick’s mother dies of a massive heart attack his life crumbles. He feels as if suddenly he is alone, no one backing him, no one on his side. The family he has built, a wife and daughter, quickly falls apart with his drinking.

2007-08-11 19:49:14 補充:

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