Jesse MacCartney既女朋友係邊個?

2007-08-11 11:50 pm
Jesse MacCartney既女朋友係邊個?

回答 (2)

2007-08-14 4:50 am
Jesse McCartney之前係有女朋友嫁!
佢個名係Katie Cassidy

Katie Cassidy係一個美國女演員同歌手,她是歌手大衛卡西迪的女兒



2007-08-21 20:38:34 補充:
你可以join Jesse既HK Fansite 度睇下你係News裏面有講Jesse McCartney&Katie Cassidy啲野好詳細嫁重有好多about jesse啲野都會有你都泥join喇
參考: Jesse McCartney Fans
2007-08-12 12:06 am
Katie Cassidy
25 November 1986
5' 7" (1.70 m)

Cassidy's early exposure to show business and the cosmopolitan culture of Los Angeles as well as her family upbringing coupled with her comprehensive education altogether produced a remarkable result. She grew up as a multifaceted person showing her many talents in a variety of professions such as recording her father's 70s hit 'I Think I Love You' and singing in VH1's TV special 'Bubblegum Babylon', writing her own songs, modeling for Abercrombie and Fitch and Guess?'s Rock and Republic clothing lines in 2004, and acting. However, she was publicly criticized by her father who would have liked for her to wait before she covered his classic hit. During her stint with Artemis Records, she was introduced to the popular boy band, Dream Street. There she met Greg Raposo, who wrote a song 'We're In Love' for her when they dated in 2002, she also met her current boyfriend, Jesse McCartney, there, and later appeared as his love interest in his video hit 'She';s No You'. A story on Jesse and Katie Cassidy appeared in the January 2006 issue of Teen People magazine. At that time she was busy working for five feature film productions going on almost simultaneously.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:22:45
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