
2007-08-11 11:43 pm
Karly always makes sure that someone _________________________.

2)I'll pack my bag after he ___(revision).



回答 (4)

2007-08-12 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Karly always makes sure that someone *has tidied up the classroom*. (tidy up)
(using *everyone* instead of *someone* would be more appropriate here......)

I'll pack my bag after he *has revised* (revise: verb, revision: noun)

2007-08-11 17:11:11 補充:
Another way of saying your 1st sentence:Karly always makes sure that the classroom is tidy.
參考: myself
2007-08-12 1:35 am
the second is used the present simple tense:
I'll pack my bag after he revises.
because behind "after or before" we dont use future tense.
參考: myself
2007-08-12 1:25 am
Karly always makes sure that someone to clean up the classroom

present perfect tense
參考: me
2007-08-12 12:07 am
1.Karly always makes sure that someone has clean up their classroom.

2.present perfect

我想知道你係唔係由你本功課度copy 落黎?
點解第一題要用someone ?用everyone 咪仲好!

2007-08-11 16:09:59 補充:
2)I'll pack my bag after he has revisioned.(revision).

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