★ Why I can't play run online? ★ (20 Points) ㊣

2007-08-11 8:46 pm
Why I can't play run online?
I have download the software many times but i can't play it too.
My computer's problems??
Tell me why please!!

回答 (2)

2007-08-12 8:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
看得明中文嗎 ?

玩不到的原因 , 大多數是 display card 的問題 .
你可以去買一張新的 display card
支援 DirectX 9.0c的 , 便可以了

希望幫到你 = ]
2007-08-14 6:04 pm
No other answer so choose you ca.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:27:25
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