Safety in mainland China

2007-08-11 8:14 pm
I am going to visit Guangzhou later.
I heard that the mainland was always not stable. There are lots of people stealing things, or even robbing.
I want to ask, can you give me some advice? I am really worried that I would be robbed!

回答 (1)

2007-08-11 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
佢地睇倒你衣著, 似外人, 係較容易被釘上.

1) 不要一個人行動, 去廁所也要至少2個人
2) 背包, 要背在胸前.
3) 不要去沒人的地方.
4) 財不可以露相, 衣著.. 也要隨便一點. 不要讓看來像滿有錢.

其實, 有做以上4項, 巳經可以把安全性大增.

Guangzhou 的是發展城巿, 治安, 未至於差到你想像的一樣.

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