Anya Hindmarch-i'm not a plastic bag

2007-08-11 8:34 am
Anya Hindmarch-i'm not a plastic bag

回答 (3)

2007-08-14 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Inside the bag, one edge states "we are what we do" then will a copyright mark similar to ©, then turns 90º counterclockwise (the opening of "C" faces up). All letters are in small letters.

On the other side, it states "ANYA HINDMARCH" in one line, then "LONDON" in a second line. All are capitalized.

The bottom of the bag (inside) is moveable in three sides, and fixes in one long side.

Above "I'm NOT A Plastic Bag", there is a logo of Anya Hindmarch similar to a butterfly knob with A on one side and H on the other side.

There is a paper tag also. One side has black background and white logo on top (as described above but also has "LONDON" on top and "ANYA HINDMARCH" on bottom). Below the logo is "we are what we do with ©" and © is also 90º counterclockwise. Below that is "small actions x lots of people = big change"

On the other size of the tag is a white background with green leaf pattern, and a photo of the bag on it.

I bought mine from the original retailer in Canada, so I'm 100% sure how a real one supposed to look.

2007-08-15 06:23:54 補充:
There is text in the tag. If your bag matchs all details, I'm sure it is real. On left side: Each year an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags ...On right side: This limited edition bag is a collaboration between Anya Hindmarch ...
參考: Myself
2009-01-14 5:55 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2007-08-11 9:04 am
o0 教真假分辨 0o UK NeW I m I am NoT A PlaStIc bAg bY 0o AnyA hINdMarcH o0

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