
2007-08-11 8:04 am
我想問既英文係fat,faster,heavy,the noisiest,more convenient同the most interesting...


回答 (2)

2007-08-11 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(basic, comparative, superlative)
fat, fatter, the fattest
fast, faster, the fastest
heavy, heavier, the heaviest
noisy, noiser, the noisiest
convenient, more convenient, the most convenient
interesting, more interesting, the most interesting
2007-08-11 8:13 am
fat fatter fattest
fast faster fastest
heavy heavier heaviest
noisy noisier noisiest
convenient more convenient the most convenient
interesting more interesting the most interesting

其實你見到more/most就知個adj本身係唔駛變ga la
會咁係因為個adj有3個音節或以上呀=] (convenient)

記住-y字尾就要轉做i (heavy)
有 aeiou 係尾ge前面就要double個尾lor (fat)

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