if dimension 1 is simply a point, and by joing points we make a line called dimension 2?

2007-08-10 11:42 am
and by piling these lines we got dimension 3 which is a cube (space), and by piling up spaces we have dimension 4 which is time, why can't we comprehend larger dimensions, like how about piling up time to get something higher in dimension, i tried but cant make sense out of that though...

回答 (3)

2007-08-10 11:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Who said that a point is a single dimension?
point is no dimensional..
line is one dimensional...
plane is two dimensional...
space is three dimensional..
2007-08-11 2:06 am
Physics will limit you to 3 dimmensions as a point has no dimension. however in theory there are infinite dimmension, in algebra for example you can calculate the speed of a vector that travels thru multiple (anywhere between 1 and infinity) dimmensions using only matrixes. It is obviously very hard to wrap your head around this because we live in a 3 dimmensional world and thats what wh know and are used too but it is possible
2007-08-10 7:36 pm
They call a point a singularity but as space it doesn't have a dimension
One dimension that can't be separated from space is time.
A single point and a quantum pulse of time gives one dimension,this followed by three others that gives you the essence of space.
Hyper dimensions don't make sense but they can be manipulated by words.
We live in a 4 dimensional space time universe that is quite adequate for an evolving universe,and us.

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